A Flight of Saints

by Elizabeth Braithwaite

Northern Italy, 1179.  Sister Lucia has had enough of cruelty and enforced silence. Along with four other novices, she escapes the convent and flees across the Alps into Germania. Their aim is to reach the convent of their idol Hildegard of Bingen. But the cruelty the girls have endured has left its mark, and Lucia soon despairs of ever reaching Bingen let alone getting her unruly tribe inside its doors. After all, what kind of convent would admit a thief, a murderer, a sex-obsessive, or a stigmata fraud? Lucia herself hasn’t been entirely honest about knowing how to get to Bingen, or how they will survive their road trip with bounty hunters after them. Let the bickering begin. As the terrors mount, everyone gets blood on their hands. Then things get worse.

Friendship, in all its complexities, is the beating heart of this novel: Fickle friends; vulnerable friends; surprising friends; lying friends; and enemies trying to be friends. Who can you trust?

Darkly comic, quirky, and at times violent, imagine The Derry Girls crossed with The Sisters Brothers. Available in print and e-pub via Amazon (paperback or Kindle edition) and Kobo.

Available March 21, 2025

A Flight of Saints | Jane Christmas